Effect of a natural growth promoter on the productive response of Cavia porcellus "cuyes" in the growth stage – finishing

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Víctor Pretel-Jesús
Julia Mercedes Ramírez-Sánchez
Zara Emperatriz León-Gallardo
Alejandra Silva-Santisteban


The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of the addition of a natural growth promoter (PNC) on the productive response of improved guinea pigs in the growth-finishing stage. 72 weaned guinea pigs (21 ± 2 days) of both sexes were used, distributed in a completely randomized block design with three treatments of 24 guinea pigs per treatment blocked by sex. The treatments were: T0: ration with inclusion of APC (50 g of zinc bacitracin / 100 kg); T1: ration including PNC (50 g / 100 kg) and T2: ration including PNC (30 g / 100 kg). The parameters were evaluated: weight increases (IDP), feed conversion (CA), carcass yield (RDC) and percentage of mortality. Data were analyzed with Lévenne's test of homogeneity of variances, ANOVA and Duncan's test. The results of IDP the T1 presented 841.5 g and the T2 with 799.6 g; being statistically equal to but higher than T0 with 698.6 g presenting highly significant statistical differences (p < 0.01); for CA the results were 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 for T1, T2 and T0 respectively without statistical differences (p > 0.05); the highest RDC was achieved in T1 (71.5 %) then T2 (70.2 %) and T0 (70 %) without statistical differences and T2 presented the highest percentage of mortality (16.7 %) followed by T0 (8.3 %) and T1 (0 %) equally without differences. According to the results obtained, it is concluded that the inclusion of 50 g/100 kg of PNC (without APC) had the best effect on the productive performance of guinea pigs in the growthfattening stage.

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